Unlike her real brother, who was a criminal and a rather unpleasant person in general, MU!John was kind and helpful. When an alternate version of the Heroes Reborn universe's Rikki Barnes is stranded in the mainline Marvel Universe, she meets John Barnes, an alternate version of her brother.It's implied that in this series' alternate future, fear of HIV infection had so curtailed sexual relations with strangers that getting it on with one's relatives - whom, at least, one could trust not to be infected - had become grudgingly tolerated by society, provided no pregnancies resulted. In Grendel, Orion Assante had a lifelong consensual BSI relationship with his two sisters, who were twins.Tomboy, a short-lived heroine from the tail end of The Golden Age of Comic Books, winds up skirting this trope when her younger brother develops a crush on her costumed persona.In an early Fritz the Cat story by Robert Crumb, Fritz returns home, and has sex with his sister after they go skinny dipping.During the Civil War event, Johnny and Sue Storm were forced to hide out as a married couple ◊ while on the run from pro-registration forces.In Fables, Jack Horner sleeps with three sisters and brags about it, until he finds out that all four of them share a mother, making them half-siblings.